Friday, December 30, 2011

December guest - 4x6 photo love

Happy Friday, everyone!! I really can't believe that the year is winding down. Really?! Yes. Really. I can't believe all the things that this year has brought - some really, really good. Others - not so much. But that's what life's about, right? :) We live and we learn. And hopefully the good outweighs the bad most of the time.

Today I wanted to share a fun idea from Shimelle! She invited me to guest for her for her 4x6 Photo Love Class that she hosts at twopeasinabucket.com

Here prompt was to create a stack of mats to add 12 photos to your layout, and this is what I came up with!
Here are some detail shots of the mini album. I included journaling spots to tell just a bit about the photos that I included! ^_^ Please see the end of the post for additional supplies that aren't carried at 2ps!

Additional supplies that couldn't be linked from 2ps:
Jenni Bowlin - 
Label Strip Stickers in Red, Vintage, Black

Hope you're inspired to join in the class challenge! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

One Little Word class winner and some Nikki Sivils gingerbread land

Wanted to share my last projects for Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker today! I'm so thankful for my spot on that team - Nikki was one of the first companies to take a chance on me as a creative designer just over 1-1/2 years ago! SO much has happened since that time, but getting those first spots as a designer gave me the foundation I needed to accomplish many of the things that I have! ^_^ Nikki and her team have been fabulous to work with!

All of these projects use the super fun Gingerbread Land collection:

And I popped in to to grab a winner for the Ali Edwards One Little Word 2012 class giveaway! It gave me this one:
 Anne said...

Oh how cool. Thanks for the opportunity.

Congrats!! Shoot me an email at chicscrapper at gmail dot com and I'll send you the coupon code to give you a free checkout to activate the class! It starts next week! I've chosen a word for myself for several years now, and it's a great opportunity for growth throughout the year! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

christmas snow - pencil lines sketch 265

My sis and mom and brother were together last week doing some baking for the holidays and it started to snow! They know how excited the boys get just to even see pictures, so they sent a few over! ^_^
{And I so rarely have this kind of photo to scrapbook that I had to grab it right away! lol}

Stop over at the pencil lines site and see what the rest of the ladies did with this week's sketch as well!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmas

{we hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday with your loved ones this season!}

Saturday, December 24, 2011

home for christmas

Have a wonderful holiday!

Friday, December 23, 2011

naughty or nice

As a mom, I swear - this time of year, I need my own naughty or nice list... Pfft. Wouldn't you love it?

{supplies are from the JBS Mercantile shop, and the yummy October Afternoon paper I got from Cassie at Paper Issues. The base is the Alfalfa Sprout album from Punky Sprouts.}

Have a wonderful Friday!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

merry and bright

A photo snapped of our boys in their santa hats the day after we decorated the tree! 
And yet another card that I put together for the American Crafts blog. I took on two assignments for the month...
{gallery posting with supply list}
Apparently, this card was front and center in the two peas in a bucket newsletter this week! How fun is that?!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas tags with Fancy Pants Designs

Have a few quick moments to be creative this Christmas holiday? I put these together pretty quickly featuring the rubons from the Fancy Pants St. Nick collection! Stop over to their blog to see the full project! ^_^

And this was the scene on my craft room floor last night. Hello? I completely forgot about something {or maybe more than one something?!} that I was supposed to put together and send. *headdesk*

'Tis the season to load up your to-do list to the point where you can't function anymore! lol

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas card inspiration - American Crafts

Yay! I was up on the American Crafts blog last week to share a few Christmas card ideas using their HollyDays collection.

And each year I try to add to my Christmas music collection - this year's pick? A Very She & Him Christmas. SO loving.

Monday, December 19, 2011

letters to mom

Our youngest has this thing about writing me letters - I wanted a way to keep a few, so I put this layout together! He can be really goofy {note the photo! lol}, but the little guy has a great heart.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hambly Screen Prints Blog Hop

Welcome to the Hambly Design Team Blog Hop!

We'd like to introduce you to the new design team members through a blog hop (and giveaway). Visit all 16 designer's blogs, where you can read a little bit about each member and see a project and/or tip about Hambly products. Leave a comment on each of their blog hop posts, then go to the Hambly blog and leave a comment. 

On Dec. 19th 2011 at 12 noon PST we will randomly pick and announce the winners on the Hambly Blog.

Here are a few random facts about me:

-I was homeschooled. Now I homeschool our boys.
-I'm a vegetarian. After some health issues around this time last year, I made the switch. And I'm so happy!
-I almost went to art school. Unfortunately, I listened to all of the people telling me it was worthless {at the time}.
-I've worked as a kitchen manager - and got to learn and do some pretty awesome stuff. Event coordinate, staff management, menu planning.
-I'm a super driven person.
-I'm in the process of growing my own business.
-I read voraciously. Science and fantasy fiction. It's my escape.
-If you haven't figured it out yet - I'm a geek. My hubby and I sit around discussing Einstein's theories, philosophy, theology, design theory, politics...
- I'm a woman of faith.
- I truly believe I've found my soulmate. We're both passionate people, but in almost 10 years of marriage, we've never had a fight.

I also wanted to share one of my all time favorite projects that I've put together! It's been SO hard to keep this one under wraps and not posted, since I created it for their design team call back in October. It hangs on the wall in our master bedroom - and blends with the decor perfectly. And the "f" in this case is our family monogram. ;-)

Enjoy this final weekend before Christmas!! Of course I'm running like crazy to get things done! ^_^ And good luck for the Hambly prize!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ali Edwards One Little Word Class Giveaway

I'm very happy to have the opportunity to give one spot in Ali's upcoming One Little Word 2012 class away!  Just post a comment here {with contact info} on this post for a chance to win! Comments will be open through Christmas, when I'll pick a winner through random number generator on Monday, December 26th and post their name here! Check out the information below to learn more about the class, and the inspiration behind it!

“In 2006, I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January - a word that I can focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. My words have included play, peace, vitality, nurture, light, and story. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another. They've been imbedded into who I am, and into who I'm becoming. They've been what I've needed (and didn't know I needed). They've helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer, and to grow.”

Each month you'll receive an email and an invitation to visit the One Little Wordclassroom. Inside the classroom, you'll find a gentle reminder message, encouragement to refocus, and a simple creative or writing project to complete, related to your word. At the end of the year you'll have an album that celebrates and honors your word - making it that much more concrete and visible in your life.

Take a minute to read the rest of the description and listen to Ali’s audio file explaining the process of the class.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

jbs December kit projects

I can't tell you how much I loved working with my first JBS Mercantile kit!! All of the pieces fit together so beautifully that it made the process just effortless and, well... FUN! ^_^

Writing a bucket list has been on my mind recently. It was already floating around {maybe because I'm starting to get a bit older, and our children are getting older as well. I'm thinking a bit about life, and what I really want to get done before it's over.}Anyway, we ended up watching the movie recently that famously features the idea, and it really reinforced what I had been thinking... It's definitely on my to-do list in the upcoming year.

Thankful that we can give to others:
photo of our little guy doing a thankful tree - and a little chat we had when he mentioned that he was thankful that we could give to others so that they could have a good Christmas, too. {insert mommy heart melt/slash daddy is SO proud}
*Technique note: I spritzed a paper doily with an opaque spray ink from October Afternoon until it was really soaked with ink, then I laid it over my cardstock to make a stamp-like impression. I reinked a bit, and repeated. Once it was dry, I took the stencil included in the kit, and inked over it with the mustard yellow pigment ink, then finished with a few splatters a brighter aqua. Once everything had dried, I layered my papers and embellishments over and included my photo and journaling.**

Brown paper packages:
Our Christmas packaging from last year! STILL one of my faves! {And that's the actual doily that I used the impression of in the above layout. I tossed it aside while working on the other one - and when I came back the next day found that it was dry, and pretty awesome for another layout.}

All of the projects were put together using this month's papercrafting, project and artisan add-on kits - which you can check out here. Happy Friday!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

burlap banners for christmas

I'll admit it. I love the look of banners. And this year I decided to bring that to our tree... I have two different types that I did and today I wanted to share the one that's on our main tree in our living room!

I love, love the rustic look and texture that this brought to our tree!

I'm still adding some more of the hand stamped, clay ornaments, but this gives you a great idea of how the banners look on the tree!

 Here's a little diy on how to put them together yourself:

You'll need burlap. Not much, because it goes pretty far - I think I bought a half yard of each, but didn't even use that. I chose to use two different colors, but stick to a monochromatic color scheme.

Cut long strips of the burlap. Notice that I followed the threads in the burlap when I cut. This keeps it from fraying excessively. Then clip to banner size and finish the bottom either with a ribbon cut, or the pointy banner that's shaped like and upside-down triangle.
After you've cut your banner pieces, cut and piece of cotton crochet thread that's roughly 6 feet long, and tie a loop in the end {as you see on the left}. This gives you a great way to hang the end of the banner garland on the tree. Then thread the opposite end of the crochet thread through a big, fat needle {yes, it's a technical term. And try not to stab yourself with the wicked sharp thing...} 
Choose a pattern to thread your banner pieces on, and get started. I threaded up through the bottom, making sure not to get too close the edge - since the burlap ravels.
Thread the banners on until your piece of thread is full, and then tie a loop at the end that matches the one at the beginning - that we can use to hang it on the tree.
Continue making banner garland until you have enough to fill your tree! It took me three sets. I stored mine on a piece of carding I had left over from some JBS embellishments until I was ready to drape it on the tree.
Happy crafting!

Monday, December 12, 2011

pencil lines sketch 263

Here's my take on this week's sketch! Stop by the blog to see what the other girls made and play along! {mine's made with this month's Jenni Bowlin kit}

And as you can tell, I'm desperately trying to play catch-up after missing a week of blog posts! lol I'll have plenty to share this week. Life just sort of caught up with me last week, and I was running double time to try to stay upright. Then, the boys decided to have troubles with sleeping, so I had several night where I was up every few hours. Geez. It's like having an infant in the house again...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

prop insanity feature

A HUGE thank you to Prop Insanity for featuring my Bluebird Chic Etsy shop this weekend! They gave my camera strap covers such a glowing review, I almost blushed as I read it. Check out the post here and enter in the giveaway for a chance to win one!

There's also a coupon code for 15% off your purchase now through December 17! I've been working on a few more styles to list in the next day or so. There's still time to order before Christmas!

hambly christmas tree banners

I've sort of got a thing for banners this year... so I decided to put them on our trees... I came up with two different styles, both in a monochromatic color scheme. Lots of stitching, lots of buttons. You can see this one up on the Hambly Screenprints blog along with a little diy on how to put it together!

Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!
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