Monday, April 30, 2012

playing with Amy Tangerine goodies

I finally had a chance this past weekend to dive into the new Amy Tangerine goodies that I received a while ago from American Crafts! I've been anxiously eyeing the goods in the basket since they arrived - the colors are just so, so inspiring!

I decided to journal a bit about a process of growth that I'm going through. Refining, growing, changing... it's not easy. Sometimes it's tempting to get frustrated with the journey that you're on. Instead, I'm choosing to embrace the process.

I don't always share detail photos of my layouts, but I thought these were kinda fun today! I've really been into using watercolor to build my backgrounds lately. I love the depth it adds! And I managed to sneak in one of the fabric brads from the previous release - which I still LOVE.

And hello? Those fabric strips are my FAVE. I've already almost used them up...

You can check out my gallery posting at two peas to get the full supply list! Happy Monday! I'll be posting lots this week, since I spent most of my "free" time creating last week! ^_^

Saturday, April 28, 2012

not just for travel

Even though Abroad is a travel line, you don't have to scrapbook "travel" photos with it, of course... I chose to document some of the thoughts that I've been contemplating lately. I think like most women/people I tend to sometimes tell myself "one day, or some day" I'll do that - take that trip, try something new, lose that weight... My focus lately has been to realize that even though things are tough with kiddos, etc., I'm just plain old making excuses for myself. And some of them are valid! But that doesn't mean they should stop me from doing the things that I want or need to do! So I followed the title "no more some days" with the journaling - I'm working hard to make it today.

Here's a link to the shop! And be sure to remember that you can always use the code BLUEBIRD to get 20% off your purchase there! Oh, and don't forget - Cassie is offering up some great Studio Calico goods on the Paper Issues blog! Good luck!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

first place

We're so, so proud of our oldest for helping his team come in first place for AWANA quiz team competition for our region. :) I've been playing with more inks, paints, and stamps on my recent layouts - and I just adore the artsiness of it all.

Here's a bit of the detail:

MOST of the supplies are from the April JBS MErcantile kits, which sadly I haven't done nearly enough with! I was so happy get two more layouts together today... Jenni just restocked a few, so check them out if you're interested! The special issue chevron stamp is just delicious...

Monday, April 23, 2012

inspired by color

Lately, I've been working to surround myself with things that inspired me - things that spur me on to become a better person, wife, mom, and artist. Not only do I want to put these things around me, but I want to act on that inspiration. It's no good to be inspired, and then not act on that inspiration!

Since rainbow colors have been inspiring me, I decided to create this layout with a color wheel theme! I share instructions on how I created the color wheel on the Hambly blog, along with a list of supplies that I used.

Have fun! And remember to surround yourself with the things that inspire you!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

a shimelle giveaway

The fabulous Shimelle is hosting a giveaway from my shop this week on her blog! Please be sure to stop by and check it out for a chance to win! And while you're there, Shimelle hosts a fabulous online scrapbooking weekend with yummy challenges to help jumpstart your scrapbooking creativity!

And psst... this is a peek at the shop restyle I'm working on at the moment! I've already updated the images for this item, and the others will be rolling over as we get closer to May 1st! I can't tell you how excited I am about this! Stay tuned, as I DO have some new products coming as well, that I'm SUPER excited about!

Have I mentioned that I'm excited? ^_^ Happy Sunday! And good luck on the giveaway!

a shimelle giveaway

Oops! Sorry for the blogger issues this am! Still trying to figure out where the hiccup was. Creating a new post for the reader now! ^_^

Saturday, April 21, 2012

recent bluebird chic posts

{inspiring me at the moment -  sharing some things that are inspiring me in my creative space at the moment}
{diy - start your own seedlings - I've been following the progress of our seedlings for the garden, and have started offering a step by step with tips to help you along}

Thursday, April 19, 2012

journaling what inspires

I posted a project for the jbs inspiration blog today... just sharing some thoughts on including information in your scrapbooks on journaling the things that inspire you. My husband and I took the time to watch the film Gandhi this past weekend, and just as we had heard, it was life changing. There's no way that you can watch the film with an open heart and not be changed. I've now added several books to my reading queue about the man and his teachings...

Here's a bit of detail from the title:

For more info on the supplies, you can check my post there!

Happy Thursday! {Is it the weekend, yet?!}

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I've been following the progress of some seedlings that we've planted to get ready for our garden, and I decided to create a layout with a few of them. This is also for the monthly challenge at JBS Mercantile - to use generic tags and the main April kit {one of my all time faves!}

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 16, 2012

sharing my latest posts for bluebird chic

If you're new to my blog, I've started moving all of my life and business related posts to my other blog so that I can keep this one for just posting scrapbooking and paper related projects! I usually post an update linking those posts here every once in a while, so that you can check them out if you like!

{seeing spring and pursuing my joy - with a sad note on the sudden passing of a friend}

Friday, April 13, 2012

mini golf - and the kits just keep getting better

I am SO blessed to be on the team for JBS Mercantile. I can't even say. Each month the kit comes, and I think that it can't be topped, and yet when next month's arrives on my doorstep - yep! They did it again! WOW.

This month was DEFINITELY not an exception. Yessir. I LOVE THESE KITS. This is the first layout that I did with it - did I mention that I was having a rough day when they showed up, and it was the best 10 minutes of my day to open that box and pull all of that yumminess out? {yes, I have rough days, too!}

And here's a bit of detail:

PS - the Chap line, has to be an all time favorite of mine from American Crafts! I've used up the whole things and need more...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Punky Sprouts April Challenge

is all about SPRING. Are you ready for the warm weather -  gardens, flowers, birds... yes, the whole thing? I am! I'm not necessarily ready for the heat of summer yet, though. LOL Which usually quickly follows here.

My challenge is posted up on their blog - you can see the details here. There's a Punky Sprouts prize for one lucky winner who participates, too!! We got a chance to work with goods from the lovely My Little Shoebox company...

And... yeah. I realized that I put these two layouts together {the last one that I posted and this one} almost a month apart - and gave them the same title. Tired much? Like, wow. I'm so looking forward to the boy's quiz team competition being this weekend, so that mama is done with the extra running for a while.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

picking a winner!

Drawing a winner by today for the Show Me Your Chevron Challenge at Paper Issues! gave me the number 18 - which is... drumroll...

Elizabeth Manna!
 Blogger elizabeth said...

Love, the lo! i too have jumped on the chevron bandwagon and honestly, can't look at the gas station without getting inspired to!

I'm already a follower of your blog and just followed them as well :)
Elizabeth, just send over an email to chicscrapper at gmail dot com with your info so that Cassie can get your goodies out to you!! CONGRATS!

Remember the challenge is still going on over on their blog, so you can jump in and link up!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

how does your garden grow?

Long time no post! At least for me! Things have been uber crazy around here with the awesomeness that is spring! We've been busy wit quiz team competition for D {which involves a bunch of extra running}, and getting our garden together.

Not to mention that my husband had a couple of long weekends scheduled, so we spent some time doing fun family activities like mini golf, hitting the beach, coloring eggs for Easter, taking in the movie The Lorax - the boys were out for the weekend with their grandparents LAST weekend, and we finally got to see the show that my husband surprised me with tickets for for our anniverasry - Seinfeld! That's gotta be a once in a lifetime kinda thing... ^_^

Honestly, I didn't even list HALF of what we did in the last two weekends. Yikes! Though he doesn't really have any extra time off again until June, so we'll be buckled down and back to the business of studies and... well, business! I've got TONS going on/in the works for my business that I just can't wait to share! A shop re-style, and I'm getting a workshop together!!! Shhhh... it's JUST for mom's who want a PRACTICAL guide to taking better photos with their dSLR cameras... But that's coming soon!

Here's a layout I put together for the American Crafts Blog that was posted last week! I love the vibrant colors of this line... be sure to check out their post for more info and a supply list!

And a card with a multicolored peacock on it. He makes me smile. I sent this card off to my mom to just let her know I was thinking about her...

Have a lovely Monday!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

welcome to the paper issues show me your chevron blog hop!

It's the first of the month and that means a new theme is up at Paper Issues!! To celebrate, some of the creative team members are sharing inspiration with you, hosting a blog hop, and a giveaway as well!

Our theme for the next two weeks is:
Show Me Your Chevron

Chevron as been a favorite of mine for a really long time - back when I designed digital scrapbook kits, I had a chevron paper in every one! lol And that was years ago already! This past week, I even made a skirt to wear...

Cassie has offered this sweet mini kit of chevron goodies to one lucky winner here on my blog!
To enter for the giveaway, just be sure that you're a follower of the Paper Issues blog {you'll see another post about the hope there today!}, follow their page on facebook, and if you could, follow my blog as well - so you can keep up to date on giveaways, inspiration, and other fun stuff. Then leave a comment on this post letting me know you're all entered! I'll pick a winner by random number generator.

Don't forget that you can always  use the code BLUEBIRD to get 20% off your purchase in the Paper Issues shop to grab some of these goodies!

Be sure to stop by the other girl's blogs to see what awesomeness they've created to inspire as well!

1. Leah F. {yep! That's me!}
2. Kelly Jo
3. Sarah
4. Heather Leopard
5. Aimee Maddern

 Happy Sunday! And good luck!

baby best wishes

Sharing a card today that I created for Hambly! You can check out a few details on creating this card on their blog

Side view goodness - so you can see all of the dimension! And yes, I LOVE that set of Neapolitan stamps!

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