Monday, January 19, 2009


Hard to believe these two days will fall together...

1 comment:

Gary said...

A remarkable, fresh, and promising individual.

My wife and I remember as children and teens the horrible state of intolerence and hatred that permeated parts of the USA. The movie "Mississippi Burning" accurately presents a thumb-nail picture of what was going on.

If someone had told me back in the 60s that I would live long enough to witness what occurred yesterday, I would have told them that it but a pipe-dream.

But then, in reflection, I never thought the Soviet Union would collapse, the Berlin Wall would be torn down, and that Russia would rise as a democracy.

We are advancing - I'm convinced of that - advancing towards a much better world, with the grace of God.

There's much to be done, but we're heading in the right direction.

I enjoyed your post.

I invite you to visit my site at

Have a healthy and prosperous 2009.


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